Saturday, February 21, 2009


  Don't you find it exasperating when, on the day that you have set aside for rest and relaxation, you end up braving the rain and traffic just to go to the nearest hardware/grocery/mall to buy a set of batteries or some plug adaptors? Sometimes you have to buy some envelopes for some documents, or buy needle and thread to mend a shirt or tighten a button that has come undone. Now think of having to squeeze these errands, this time on top of all the other things you need to accomplish on a regular workday.
  Through the years I have discovered that a woman, as a mommy, as a wife or both would be better off when she has all the necessary things within reach at a moment's notice. Being prepared like a girl scout is an exercise that saves time, money, and trouble.
  Below is a rundown of essentials that, time and again,  I really have found indispensable. I am sharing them with you in the hope that you'll find them as useful as I have.
  Scissors- Have at least five pairs handy; one for the kitchen, the other one in your bathroom(you may think it's a weird place for scissors but for me it is not because then I can easily take off packaging of new toiletry products without breaking my nails), one in your desk drawer, one in the dining room,  another one in your sewing kit. That is how I distributed my set but feel free to strategically locate them based on your needs and habits. Make sure you always return them where they belong.
  Zip Lock Bags- Not only are they useful in the kitchen, they are just as useful to hold odds and ends. Especially when you travel it can help organize your toiletries and they unify a slew of small personal effects that otherwise get misplaced.
  Flashlight and rechargeable light- No need for an explanation.
  Batteries- I cannot say how important it is to have batteries on stock. I have a box where I store batteries in varied sizes, from triple A, to double A, to D. It saves a lot of frustration when my kids receives toys that requires batteries that they cannot wait to play with. It also comes in handy when our electronic gadgets and flashlight die on us.
  Mighty Bond- Don't underestimate what this little tube can do. It fixes your daughter's broken clips, your son's toys to religious statues, to bigger household items. Now what Mighty Bond cannot do, a glue gun and glue stick duo definitely can.
  Light Bulbs- Look around the house and check the kind of bulbs that you use. Make a list and stock on them. You never quite know when they will conk out on you.
  ID pictures and Photocopies of important documents- You can never have too many copies of ID pictures and birth certificates of all the family members, for they are always required when you apply for a passport, when your kids go to school, when you apply for insurance, etc. Have extra copies likewise of your marriage contract, car registration, and passport. The latter is almost always required for valid identification process.
  First-Aid kit and medicine kit- Have a well stocked kit always available and make sure to replenish supplies as needed. The former should at least include anti-bacterial ointment, sterile gauze, betadine wound cleanser, a box of band aid, disposable urine or fecal container( this is very useful for me especially when a member of my family has diarrhea or UTI). The latter should be replete with paracetamol, aspirin, medication for diarrhea, colds, coughs, allergies, stomachaches and rehydration salts.
   Digital thermometer- We use this when someone in our family has a fever. It is very handy especially when checking the temperature of your sick baby.
   Screwdriver, duct tape, hammer- You need not have a full of carpenter's kit but you should at least have a set of screwdrivers and hammers in two sizes. The former can help you open electronic gadgets and toys when you need to change batteries. Duct tape is very versatile. You can use it to pack boxes, temporarily seal off leaks, etc.
    Ready-to-go toiletry bag- When packing haven't you notice you spend half the time running back and forth trying to put together a very efficient toiletry kit? If you have this ready at a moment's notice, packing will be a breeze.
    Other things necessary to have around the house are plug adaptors and extension cords, filing supplies such as bond papers, envelopes, fasteners, rubber bands, markers, paper clips and many others.
    So there you have it! Enjoy the process of gathering what you need to be totally efficient as much as you would enjoy using them.

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